Friday, June 1, 2012


 Expired/Unwanted Coupons for Military Overseas!

Did you know that you can send your expired/unwanted coupons to military families overseas?  Alot of military families live off of just one income and this is a great way to help!
I have adopted the USAF base in Okinawa, Japan.  I will be sending from my own expired/unwanted coupons at least twice a month.  Since these coupons have to be sorted I am willing to sort and send for those of you who just don't have the time. Just email me @ for the address where you can send them.

For those of you who would like to adopt your own base see the details at

I am super excited about this program! Let's support our military! Thank you in advance!

HOLY COW Frugal Friends!  Look what you've done!!  All these expired/unwanted coupons will be sent overseas thanks to all of you who participated and sent your coupons!  These are unsorted, of course but, boy have you put me to work this month!!  GREAT JOB!

Here is the pile I will be sending as soon as I get them all sorted! This photo taken 11/01/12

This is the pile I sent 9/1/12.  A GREAT BIG Thank You to everyone who saved and sent coupons  in the month of July and August!! This will be the biggest envelope sent yet! GOOD JOB!

This is the pile I sent today 6/1/2012.



Click HERE for lots of other freebies, giveaways, sweepstakes and more!!


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